No matter what type of celebration you ultimately decide on, in Berlin you will find the right location for almost every type of your personal dream wedding.
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The selection is of course correspondingly overwhelming and ranges from a mild midsummer night's dream by the water to a traditional wedding in white to a castle in the country. Basically, however, there are basically the same things in common for every wedding celebration that appear sooner or later during the planning. It is therefore well advised to check off the most important questions in a questionnaire right at the beginning, as already mentioned in our first part, in order to make the planning as stress-free and effective as possible. Because often the initial romance quickly gives way to organizational stress and one is downright relieved when the most beautiful day finally went 'smoothly' over the stage. But what should you pay particular attention to when choosing your wedding location? Let's take a look at the most important tips from this blog post again:
A central decision with great importance for the wedding location: Wedding in a small circle or with all friends and relatives? Before you start planning the actual location, you should decide together how many guests you want to invite - because of course the choice of wedding location also depends on this. The guest list is therefore at the beginning.

The larger the wedding party, the more restricted you are when choosing the right location. A wedding in a small circle, on the other hand, allows you a much more flexible selection of locations and options. If you absolutely want to celebrate in a large state hall, the wedding party should not be too small either - otherwise the wedding will get lost in the room. It is also important that the location does not have too many different rooms - otherwise the wedding will be too much. The choice of locations is huge: getting married on the beach, in an old barn, in a castle or even in the wilderness - there is something for every taste. All you have to do is find the perfect location.

After you have agreed on the budget and size, it finally becomes concrete: how do we get married? Would you rather celebrate in a classic way? Then there are natural ballrooms with party service, the dream castle in the area or a pavilion in the garden or on the beach. Or do you prefer something unusual? There is a huge selection of exotic desires. Ask friends and relatives for recommendations and also ask at the registry offices in your area - they will usually give you valuable suggestions. You can also find a large selection of local locations via Google. Here we recommend calling up a small list of around 5-10 suitable locations and then visit it in person. Here you will also find further information for your further planning. Always convince yourself of the location on site and don't be afraid to bring a catalog of questions with you. This way you can later discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the individual locations in peace and quiet.

In the following we have put together a small selection of exclusive locations that are exemplary for a large number of different tastes. Now it's your turn! We hope you enjoy looking for your dream location. We would also be happy to advise you personally, free of charge, on the choice of your desired location. Just ask us. We look forward to you!